
श्यानता = VISCOSITYउदाहरण : श्यानता किसी तरल का वह गुण होता है जो तरल पर लगे बहरी बल का विरोध करता है जिस से की तरल अपनी वर्त्तमान आकृति अथवा स्थिति को विकृत न होने दे.
Usage : viscosity is the property of liquids which resist the external force applied on the liquid so as to retain its shape or resist to flow due to external force.
Usage : viscosity is the property of liquids which resist the external force applied on the liquid so as to retain its shape or resist to flow due to external force.
(Noun) +80
श्यानतामापी = VISCOMETRICउदाहरण : वैज्ञानिक ने श्यानतामापी का उपयोग श्यानता मापने के लिए किया।
Usage : The viscometric study of the liquid was precise.
Usage : The viscometric study of the liquid was precise.
(Adjective) +2
श्यानतामापी = VISCOMETERUsage : The viscosity of the liquid was measured using a viscometer.
(Noun) +1
श्यानतामापी = VISCOSIMETERUsage : The scientist used a viscosimeter to measure the viscosity of the liquid.
(Noun) +1
श्यानतामापी = VISCOMETER (VISCOSIMETER)Usage : We used a viscometer to measure the viscosity of the liquid.
(Noun) +1